Birth Injury Lawsuits and New York Laws
A birth injury can occur during the birth process, during the pregnancy or shortly after the birth. Serious birth injuries may have a life long impact on the injured baby and may sometimes result in death. The birth injury attorneys at the New York law firm of Harnick and Harnick have extensive knowledge and experience when dealing with birth injury cases. The devastating and sometimes tragic affects of birth injuries have serious consequences for both the children and their families. At Harnick and Harnick, our birth injury lawyers will seek fair compensation for those who have been injured and their families.
The law firm of Harnick and Harnick has years of legal experience successfully handling birth injury cases. Birth injuries and trauma can vary greatly from minor injuries to very serious injuries and permanent damage. Birth injuries such as swelling, bruising and forceps marks are generally not serious and heal within a few weeks. There may be temporary loss of nerve or muscular function due to bruising, pressure or swelling of the areas around the nerves. These situations can resolve themselves within weeks or months, although permanent nerve damage may result from nerves being torn.
The birth injury attorneys at Harnick and Harnick have worked with families traumatized by many types of birth injuries. Some of the serious conditions resulting from a birth injury or trauma are:
- Developmental disabilities and delays
- Cerebral Palsy
- Erb's Palsy
- Brain damage
- Permanent nerve or muscle function damage
- Facial paralysis
A serious birth injury may result in overwhelming medical expenses for the parents of the injured baby. These injuries may have a permanent impact on the quality of life for the injured child and their family. The dedicated birth injury attorneys at Harnick and Harnick are a valuable source of help and information for these burdened families. If your child has been injured during birth or pregnancy, Harnick and Harnick will seek the financial compensation you deserve.
All cases are handled on a contingency basis. Our clients only pay a fee if we are successful in obtaining compensation in their birth injury case.
Case expenses are advanced by Harnick and Harnick and are reimbursed by the client at the conclusion of the case.
Free consultation
Contact Harnick and Harnick to discuss your birth injury case with an experienced birth injury attorney.
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